Article: Model for evaluating the economic potential of operators (producers of agricultural or food products) in order to obtain a form of recognition through attestation/certification

Authors: BERCARU Corneliu, CARA Daniela

Pages: 25-36

DOI: 10.57263/JMQ.01.02.20223

Published online: 29.12.2022

Abstract: A specific questionnaire was developed to assess the operators’ ability to meet the requirements of the European recognition of the protected denomination or national attestation benchmarks (5 key factors). The questionnaire is followed by a model for quantifying the answers for each key factor (score from 1 to 20), total score of 100 points maximum. The score obtained was compared with a scale of recommendations regarding the possibilities of European recognition of the denomination or national attestation. The questionnaire was distributed to individual operators or associates in groups. At the time of the submission of the questionnaires, some of the respondents held national attestation or European protected denomination of the products (checking the evaluation method was taken into account). The results obtained for individual or associated operators, already national or European recognized for the denomination of the products, correspond to the proposed model.      

Keywords: food products, model, attestation. recognition, questionnaire

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