Article: Robots in Facility Management: Current Applications, Benefits, and Future Directions

Article: Robots in Facility Management: Current Applications, Benefits, and Future Directions

Authors: STAVRI Dimitrie Costin, FIRULESCU Alexandru Crtistian, IORDOC Dumitru Georgian, LUPESCU Marian Ernut ,  STOICA Mihai Alexandru

Pages: 23-28

DOI: 1010.57263/JMQ.02.01.20233

Published online: 31.05.2023

Abstract: Facility management is the process of ensuring the efficient functioning of buildings and infrastructure through maintenance and upkeep. Recently, robots have gained popularity in this field due to their ability to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety. This article presents an overview of current and future trends in the use of robots in facility management. It first outlines the benefits of incorporating robots and then delves into the various types of robots commonly used in facility management. This article also reviews current applications of robots in this field and explores potential future developments. The paper concludes with ethical considerations and challenges associated with robot use in facility management.

Keywords: education and training system, labor market, quality assurance system, ESCO, ISCED

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